The Sultanate of Oman today took part in the 21st meeting of heads of GCC accounting and financial audit institutions. The meeting was held in Doha, State of Qatar.
Oman’s delegation was headed by Sheikh Ghuson Hilal Al Alawi, Chairman of the State Audit Institution (SAI).
In a speech at the meeting, Al Alawi valued the efforts made to ensure the success of the meeting. He expressed his appreciation to the GCC Secretariat General for its vital role in preparing, organizing and following up all activities and events that serve the common interests of the member states.
The meeting discussed a number of topics. They referred to the winning research in the GCC competition for research and studies in the field of audit and accounting. They also exchanged views about a proposal to hold a youth forum to highlight the functions and features GCC audit and accounting institutions.
The participants also looked into final drafts on updating the GCC financial control guide, as well as a guide on disaster and crisis management.
The meeting also dealt with a plan to enhance cooperation and partnership with the” International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions” (INTOSAI) and a related “INTOSAI Development Initiative” (IDI).
The participants also studied recommendations made during the 36th meeting of the Training and Development Committee. They discussed a briefing on training programmes conducted over the past months in 2024. They also discussed the signing of memoranda of understanding with the INTOSAI Development Initiative and the King Fahd National Library.