As part of a pre-emptive move to ease the pressures of Covid-19 on the region’s workforce, the university created the Skills Boost North East initiative which launched last week.
The scheme aims to retrain, reskill, and refocus workers who have been furloughed, made redundant, or are in danger of losing their jobs, due to the pandemic.
Leaders hope by developing high-level skills in the workforce, the scheme will support businesses as they seek to adapt, diversify and thrive in the post-Covid economy.
Fees have been reduced on specified postgraduate programmes, so those whose career has been affected by the pandemic can use this time to develop and maximise their future opportunities.
Francesca Carey, director of home student recruitment, said: “The University has a long tradition of partnering with industry in the North-East.
“We take our role as a civic institution seriously, and want to go as far as we can to support local people and businesses within the region at a challenging time.
“We know that all employers are facing difficult staffing decisions; our new scheme, Skills Boost North East, seeks to support workers to meet the demands and challenges of what could be a very different emerging employment market.”